Sustainable Stays by VRBO

The Problem: Household waste increases by 23% in December as the holiday season leads to a surge in consumption, waste, energy use, and carbon emissions. Millennials, the largest consumer group during the holidays, play a pivotal role in driving this trend.

The Solution: VRBO’s “Sustainable Stays” tackles the high consumption of Americans in December by offering incentives for sustainable choices.

The Insight: 90% of Americans wish the holidays were less materialistic. Instead of gifting items, create memories that outlast things

Sustainable Stays:

Unwrap Moments

This mock campaign was designed with sustainability at its core, aiming to inspire young families to shift their focus away from consumerism during the holiday season. The team developed the Unwrap Moments campaign, which taps into the nostalgic memories of parents' childhoods—before the internet revolutionized shopping with instant access to products arriving at your doorstep in days or even hours. By conjuring this sense of nostalgia, the campaign encourages families to prioritize creating lasting memories over buying material goods, creating a mindset that values experiences over consumption.

Unwrap Moments Mock ups


Creative Work: Maren Fullerton, Josie Weisert, Charlie Kohn

Research: Josette Weisert, Maren Fullerton

Copy: Josette Weisert

Videography: Maren Fullerton

Graphic Design: Charlie Kohn

Media Plan: Charlie Kohn

Work Created for the University of Oregon School of Journalism

and Communication.


Audio Story - Jazz